(two reels each
unless noted)
(released 5/27/17) Director: Walter Wright and/or
Clarence Badger
Ora Carew, Joseph Belmont,
Joseph Callahan, Nick Cogley, Andy Anderson, Blanche Payson, Edgar Kennedy, Sid
Smith, (Ben
(6/3/17) Director: Fred Fishback; Assistant Director: Whitey Sovern; camera: J.R. Lockwood
Polly Moran, Wayland Trask,
Wallace Beery, Dora Rodgers, Cliff Bowes, Joey Jacobs, Robert
Kortman(?), (Ben Turpin?)
Sole Mates
(6/4/17) One reel
Triangle Comedy; Director:
Herman Raymaker; cam: Roger
Dale Armstrong Ben
Turpin, Florence Clarke, Vivian Edwards, Alfred Gronell
• A Clever Dummy
(6/15/17) Director: Herman Raymaker; Assistant Dirs: Robert
Kerr & Ferris Hartman; cam: Elgin Lessley
Ben Turpin (a janitor), James Donnelly (an inventor), Claire Anderson (his daughter), James Delano (the partner), Juanita Hansen (showgirl), Chester Conklin (stagehand),
Wallace Beery (theater
owner), Joseph Belmont, Eva Thatcher (in audience), Grover Ligon (in sewer). (wt: The
Automaton Figure)
• Lost – A Cook
(8/12/17) Director: Fred Fishback (?)
Mack Swain, Ethel Teare, Joey
Jacobs, Maude Wayne, Cliff Bowes, Sylvia Ashton, Mal St. Clair, Ben Turpin as a party guest.
The Pawnbroker's Heart, Turpin, Peggy Pearce, Chester Conklin, Hampton Del Ruth
• The Pawnbroker’s
(8/19/17) (UCLA) Director: Eddie Cline (?)
Chester Conklin, Glen
Cavender, Caroline Rankin, Peggy Pearce, Ben Turpin, Alice Maison (wt: A Safe
(two reels each
unless noted)
• A Bedroom Blunder
(10/7/17) (re-released in 1923 as Room 23) Dir:
Eddie Cline; cam: Phil
Charlie Murray, Mary Thurman,
Wayland Trask, Pat Forde (aka Frank Terry), Eva Thatcher, Glen Cavender, James
Donnelly, Wallace Beery, Tom Kennedy, Gonda Durand, Phyllis Haver, Vera Steadman, Roxanna
McGowan, Marvel Rea, Eddie Cline. Ben Turpin in small role as
desk clerk at the Sea Shell Inn, second reel.
Roping Her Romeo with Slim Summerville, Polly Moran, and Ben | | | |
• Roping Her Romeo
MS2 (10/21/17) Dir:
Fred Fishback; asst dir: Whitey Sover; cam: Hans Koenekamp
Polly Moran, Ben Turpin (Honest-Eyed
Jack, A Poor Butterfly), Slim Summerville, Ethel Teare, Eva Thatcher, Wayland Trask, James Donnelly, Gonda
Durand, Eleanor Field, Phyllis Haver, Pat Kelly, Roxana McGowan, Marvel Rea, Edith Valk, Vera Steadman (wt: A Love-sick
Slim Summerville, Turpin, Glen Cavender in Are Waitresses Safe? | | | |
• Are Waitresses
MS4 (11/18/17) Dir:
Victor Heerman; cam: Fred
Louise Fazenda, Ben Turpin (Who Loved Her
So), Slim Summerville, Glen Cavender,
Tony O’Sullivan, Cliff Bowes, Wayland Trask, Jack Cooper, Grover Ligon, Al McKinnon, Wallace Beery, Tom Kennedy,
Phyllis Haver, Gonda Durand, Laura LaVarnie, Roxanna McGowan, Gene Rogers, Hal Haig Prieste
That Night
MS6 (12/16/17) Dir:
Eddie Cline; cam: Fred
Charles Murray, Mary Thurman,
Wayland Trask, Wallace Beery, Vera Steadman, Phyllis Haver, Gene Rogers, Roxanna
McGowan, Marvel Rea, Eva Thatcher, Glen Cavender, Tom Kennedy, Pat Kelly, (Ben Turpin?)
Taming Target Center
MS7 (12/30/17) Dir:
William S. Campbell; cam: Fred Jackman
Polly Moran (the new sheriff), Ben Turpin (the sheriff), Gonda Durand (his leading vampire), Tom Kennedy (cafe proprietor), Larry McGrath (the parson), Gene Rogers, George Binns, Marvel Rea, Grover Ligon,
Frank J. Coleman
Watch Your Neighbor
MS10 (2/10/18) Dir:
Victor Heerman; cam:
Fred Jackman
Charles Murray, Mary Thurman,
Wayland Trask, Gene Rogers, Edgar Kennedy, Frank J. Coleman, Harry Booker,
Cliff Bowes, Billy Armstrong, Albert Gillespie, Marvel Rea, Vera Steadman,
Roxanna McGowan, (Ben
• Sheriff Nell’s
MS12 (2/24/1918)
(UCLA) Dir:
William S. Campbell; cam: Fred Jackman & Kenneth MacLean
Polly Moran, Ben Turpin (Still After Her), Billy Armstrong, Gonda Durand, Frank J. Coleman, Al
McKinnon, Gene Rogers, Pat Kelly
Main cast and crew of Saucy Madeline.
Left to right, seated: Jack Cooper, Frank J. Coleman, Polly Moran, F.
Richard Jones, Phyllis Haver,Charles Lynn, Gonda Durand, Turpin.
Standing left to right: Sloppy Gray, J.R. Lockwood, (three men
unidentified), and Garry O'Dell. |
Saucy Madeline
MS15 (4/21/1918) Dir: F. Richard Jones; camera: Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Polly Moran, Ben Turpin (A Rolling Stone Out of Work), Charles Lynn, Jack Cooper, Frank J. Coleman, Harry Gribbon, Wayland Trask, George Jeske, Gonda Durand, Alice Maison, Sloppy Gray
• His Smothered
MS16 (5/5/1918)
(MOMA) Director:
Eddie Cline; cam: Fred
Jackman & Phil Whitman
Chester Conklin, Harry
Gribbon, Marie Prevost, Jack Cooper, Laura LaVarnie, Alice Maison, Paddy
McQuire, Wayland Trask, Marvel Rea, Phyllis Haver, Vera Steadman, Frank J.
Coleman, Slim Summerville, Erle Kenton, Gonda Durand, Billy Gilbert. Turpin in
small role as Conklin’s messenger boy.
The Battle Royal
MS17 (5/19/1918) Director:
F. Richard Jones; cam:
Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Ben Turpin (After a Wife), Charles Lynn, Polly Moran, Wayland Trask, Fanny
Kelly, Al McKinnon, George Jeske, Glen Cavender, Abdul Maljan, Teddy, Pat
Kelly, Billy Gilbert, Eva Thatcher, Hal Haig Prieste
• Love Loops the
MS18 (6/2/1918)
(MOMA) Director:
Walter Wright; cam:
Fred Jackman & Hans Koenekamp
Charlie Murray, Mary Thurman,
Wayland Trask, Harry Booker, Laura LaVarnie, Abdul, Paddy McQuire, Gene Rogers,
Al McKinnon, Bert Gillespie, Roxanna McGowan, Phyllis Haver, Vera Steadman. Ben
in small role as cafe bandleader
Two Tough Tenderfeet
MS19 (6/16/1918) Director:
F. Richard Jones; cam:
Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Ben Turpin (a crooked
tenderfoot), Charles Lynn (his pal), Polly Moran (the sheriff of Crooked Bend), Bert Roach (owns the town & wants to own the
sheriff), Laura LaVarnie (the sheriff’s
mother), Jack Cooper, Wayland Trask, Hank
Mann, Paddy McQuire, Roxanna McGowan, Billy Gilbert, Ed Kennedy
Her Screen Idol
MS20 (7/1/18) Director:
Eddie Cline; cam: Fred
Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Louise Fazenda, Ford
Sterling, Jack Cooper, Glen Cavender, Edgar Kennedy, Gene Rogers, Marvel Rea, Laura LaVarnie, Roxanna McGowan, Marie Prevost, Teddy, (Ben Turpin?)
She Loved Him Plenty
MS23 (8/11/1918) Dir:
F. Richard Jones; cam:
Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Ben Turpin (A Fickle Youth), Charles Lynn, Polly Moran, Marie Prevost, Edgar Kennedy,
Al McKinnon, Gonda Durand, Harriet Hammond, Phyllis Haver, Pat Kelly, Roxanna
McGowan, Eva Thatcher, George Gray
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It’s A Cinch
(c9/10/1918 Liberty Loan Special) Director? - one reel
Louise Fazenda, Ford Sterling, Chester Conklin, Ben Turpin (selling bonds), Charlie Lynn, Phyllis Haver, Tom Kennedy, Pat Kelly, Mal St. Clair, Dave Anderson
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Charles Lynn, Marie Prevost, Tom Kennedy, Turpin, and others in Sleuths! | | | |
MS26 (9/22/18) Dir: F. Richard Jones; cam: Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Ben Turpin (Eagle Eye Jack, Detective), Charles Lynn, Marie Prevost, Tom Kennedy, Chester Conklin, Bert Roach, Al McKinnon, Eva Thatcher, Pat Kelly
Whose Little Wife Are You?
MS28 (11/17/1918) Dir:
Eddie Cline; cam: Fred
& Floyd Jackman
Murray, Eva Thatcher, Joseph “Baldy” Belmont, Alice Lake, Wayland Trask, Mary
Thurman, Paddy McQuire, Tom Kennedy, Teddy, Pepper, Harriet Hammond, Phyllis
Haver, Laura LaVarnie, Marie Prevost, Vera Steadman; Ben & Charles Lynn in
a surprise appearance, floating on raft thru Murray’s flooded pharmacy.
Tom Kennedy, Marie Prevost, Charlie and Ben, Hide and Seek, Detectives | | | | | | | |
Hide and Seek, Detectives
MS31 (12/15/1918) Dir:
Eddie Cline; cam: Fred
Jackman and Phil Whitman
Turpin (A Detective), Charles Lynn, Marie Prevost, Gene Rogers, Tom
Kennedy, Al McKinnon, Paddy McQuire, Charles Murray
It is not expected that the ingenuity and fun-making ability of Sennett will
always flow in a torrent, though the font has seemed inexhaustible at times,
but he manages to introduce some new features in each release, even if
compelled to rely on older situations for his rough and tumble style of
production. A farcical presentation of Turpin and Lynn as detectives, very
swift in action, but lacking in true humorous situations. Exaggeration that it
is, there is some humor, and it is to be hoped that the human element, that of
characterization, will broaden in future releases. There is not enough of it,
and almost too much activity by trick work with the camera for a modern
audience. There is, however, plenty of material in the farce for good laughs.
Cupid's Day Off
MS35 (1/12/19) Director:
Eddie Cline; cam: Fred
Jackman & Hans Koenekamp
Ben Turpin & Charles Lynn
(A Couple
of Shoe Men), Alice Lake, Tom Kennedy,
Eva Thatcher, Bothwell Browne, Bert Roach, Hughie Mack, Abdul Maljan, Harriet Hammond
• East Lynne with
MS37 (2/23/19)
(EYE) Director:
Eddie Cline
Ben Turpin (A Matinee Idol), Charles Lynn (the villian), Marie Prevost (the girl), Tom Kennedy, Bobby Dunn, Alice Lake, Bert Roach, Ford Sterling,
Marvel Rea, Billy Armstrong, James Finlayson
• The Village
MS38 (3/9/19)
Espanola) Director:
F. Richard Jones; cam:
Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Louise Fazenda, Chester
Conklin, James Finlayson, Kalla Pasha, Paddy McQuire, Billy Armstrong, Al McKinnon,
Fanny Kelly, Ben Turpin (cameo)
The Foolish Age with Phyllis Haver, Jim Finlayson, Louise Fazenda, Chester Conklin, Turpin, Charlie Lynn, Paddy McQuire, Garry O'Dell |
The Foolish Age
MS42 (4/13/19) Director: F.
Richard Jones; cam:
Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Louise Fazenda, Chester
Conklin, James Finlayson, Phyllis Haver, Kalla Pasha, Paddy McQuire, Garry
Odell. Ben Turpin & Charles Lynn in a small role as a couple sour musicians.
Ben, Marie Prevost, and Charlie Lynn in When Love is Blind |
When Love Is Blind
MS40 (5/11/19) Director:
Eddie Cline; cam: Fred
Jackman & Phil Whitman
Ben Turpin & Charles Lynn
About Town), Alfred McKinnon (a detective), Marvel Rea (his wife), Phyllis Haver (a
blonde), Marie Prevost (a brunette), Erle C. Kenton, Gene Rogers, Kalla Pasha, John Rand,
Charlie Murray, Pepper
Love’s False Faces
MS41 (5/25/19) Director:
F. Richard Jones; cam:
Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Chester Conklin, Marie
Prevost, James Finlayson, Kalla Pasha, Billy Armstrong, Charlotte Mineau, Edgar
Kennedy, Eddie Gribbon. Ben & Charles Lynn in a small role as a couple of
free-loading drinkers.
No Mother to Guide Him
MS45 (6/8/19 or 6/22/19) Dir:
Erle Kenton & Mal St. Clair; cam: Fred Jackman & Hans Koenekamp
Ben Turpin (A Happy Married
Man), Myrtle Lind (his wife), Charles Lynn (the other man), Baldy Belmont (a true friend), Isabelle Keep, Billy Armstrong, Fanny Kelly, Edgar
Trying to Get Along
MS46 (7/6/19) Dir:
F. Richard Jones; cam:
Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Charlie Murray, Charlotte
Mineau, Kalla Pasha, James Finlayson, Fanny Kelly, Ford Sterling, Eva Thatcher,
Eddie Gribbon, Baldy Belmont, Harriet Hammond, Teddy, Harry Gribbon, Isabelle
Keep, Kathryn McGuire, Gladys Whitfield. Turpin & Charlie Lynn in a small
role as a couple of diners
Yankee Doodle in Berlin with (L to R): Garry O'Dell, John Rand, Mal St. Clair, Turpin, Ford Sterling, Charlie Lynn, Bert Roach, Harriet Hammond, Baldy Belmont, and all eyes on Bothwell Browne in drag | |
• Yankee Doodle in
#31 (7/28/19) Five reels Director:
F. Richard Jones
Bothwell Browne, Ford
Sterling, Marie Prevost, Mal St. Clair, Bert Roach, Ben Turpin (German
Soldier), Charlie Murray, Chester Conklin, Edgar Kennedy, Kalla Pasha, Frank
Hayes, Joseph Belmont, Fanny Kelly, Eva Thatcher, Wayland Trask, Al McKinnon,
Jim Finlayson, Charles Lynn (wt: The Kaiser’s Last Squeal)
(continued, two
reels each unless noted):
Treating ‘em Rough
MS49? (8/3/19) Dir: Fred
Jackman; cam: Fred
& George Jackman
Louise Fazenda, Baldy
Belmont, Pat Kelly, Edgar Kennedy, Billy Bevan, Ford Sterling, Jack Ackroyd,
Jimmy Finlayson. Ben Turpin cameo as a drunk
Charlie Murray as The Dentist, with Marie Prevost, Ben, (unidentified), and Garry Odell |
• The Dentist
MS50? (8/17/19) (Filmarchiv Austria) Dir: F.
Richard Jones; cam:
Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Charlie Murray (the dentist), Charlotte Mineau (his wife), Eddie Gribbon, Kalla Pasha (her disreputable brothers), James Finlayson (a real estate agent), Marie Prevost (his stenographer), Fanny Kelly (his wife), Hughie Mack, Baldy Belmont, Phyllis Haver, Pat Kelly, Garry Odell,
Pepper the cat. Turpin cameo as an eccentric dental patient
Uncle Tom Without a Cabin
MS48 (8/31/19) Dir: Ray
Hunt; cam: Fred Jackman
& Perry Evans
Ben Turpin (A man of many
parts), Charles Conklin (the villian), Marie Prevost (the leading lady), Ford Sterling (a compli-mentary audience), Eva Thatcher (a critic), James Finlayson (a stage-door Johnnie), Teddy (a
bloodhound), Billy Bevan, Eddie Gribbon,
Kalla Pasha, John Rand, Isabelle Keep, Kathryn McGuire, Dave Anderson, Gladys
• Up in Alf’s Place
MS53 (10/12/19) (UCLA) Dir:
F. Richard Jones; cam:
Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Murray, Harriet Hammond, Charlotte Mineau, Kalla Pasha, Jim Finlayson, Fanny
Kelly, Billy Armstrong, Gordon Lewis, Marvin Lobach, John Rand, Grover Ligon,
Edgar Kennedy, Dave Anderson, Mildred June, Thelma Hill, Kathryn McGuire
Salome Vs Shenandoah with Heine Conklin, Ben, Pat Kelly, Phyllis Haver |
• Salome vs.
MS54 (10/26/19) (Filmoteca
Espanola, Madrid); Directors:
Erle Kenton & Ray Grey
Ben Turpin (John the Baptist
and A Confederate Spy), Charlie Lynn,
Phyllis Haver, Charlie Murray, Marie Prevost, Eddie Gribbon, Ford Sterling, Eva
Thatcher, Harry Gribbon, Billy Bevan, Al Cooke, Elva Diltz, Fanny Kelly, Alice
Maison, Kathryn McGuire, Bert Roach, Charles Murray, Annette DeGandis, Sibye
Trevilla, Gladys Whitfield
A Lady’s Tailor
MS51 (12/7/19) Directors:
Erle Kenton & Ray Grey; cam:
Fred Jackman & Vic Scheurich
Ford Sterling, Bert Roach,
Harriet Hammond, Eva Thatcher, Billy Bevan, Kathryn McGuire, Phyllis Haver,
John Rand, Myrtle Lind, Ben Turpin cameo
The Speak-Easy
MS58 (12/21/19) Dir:
F. Richard Jones; cam:
Fred Jackman & J.R. Lockwood
Charlie Murray, Fanny Kelly,
Marie Prevost, Eddie Gribbon, Garry O'Dell, Pat Kelly, Baldy Belmont, Al Cooke,
James Finlayson, Bert Roach, George O’Hara, Ben Turpin cameo as a drunk in
The Star Boarder with Bert Roach, Turpin, and Harriet Hammond |
The Star Boarder
MS59 (1/4/20) Director:
James Davis; cam: Fred
Jackman & Perry Evans
Louise Fazenda (a kitchen
slavey), Billy Armstrong (a gentleman
crook), Bert Roach (a boarding
housekeeper/barber), Harriet Hammond (a
manicurist/Bert’s wife), John Henry, Jr. (their baby), Billy Bevan (Armstrong’s accomplice), Baldy Belmont (Louise’s sweetheart), Teddy, Marvin Loback, Kalla Pasha. Ben cameo as
cigar salesman/customer in barbershop
Down on the Farm behind the scenes with Turpin, Eddie Gribbon, Kalla Pasha, and the Sennett girls |
• Down on the Farm
#56 (4/25/20) 5 reels; Directors:
Erle Kenton & Ray Grey; cam:
Fred Jackman, Perry Evans & Victor Scheurich
Louise Fazenda, Harry
Gribbon, James Finlayson, Bert Roach, Marie Prevost, Billy Armstrong, John
Henry, Jr., Ben Turpin (as
Marie’s husband), Eva Thatcher, Phyllis
Haver, Mildred June, Harriet Hammond, Teddy, Pepper, Baldy Belmont, Elva Diltz,
Fanny Kelly, Pat Kelly, Charles Murray, Kalla Pasha, Virginia Fox, Kathryn
McGuire, Jane Allen, Thelma Bates
Married Life with Turpin, Phyllis Haver, Jim Finlayson, and Heine Conklin | | | | |
• Married Life
#57 (6/15/20) Five reels Directors:
Erle Kenton, Reggie Morris & Ray Griffith; camera:
Fred Jackman
Ben Turpin (Rodney St.
Clair, A Man’s Man), Phyllis Haver, James
Finlayson, Heinie Conklin, Ford Sterling, Charlotte Mineau, Kalla Pasha,
Charlie Murray, Louise Fazenda, Baldy Belmont, Billy Bevan, Al Cooke, Eddie
Gribbon, John Henry, Jr, Harriet Hammond, Pat Kelly, Bert Roach, Eva Thatcher.
Some footage extant.
You Wouldn’t Believe It!
(6/27/20) Dir:
Erle Kenton; cam: Fred
Jackman & Victor Scheurich
Heinie Conklin, Marie
Prevost, Bert Roach, James Finlayson, Charlotte Mineau, Eddie Gribbon, (Ben Turpin?)
• The Quack Doctor
MS67 (7/4/20) Dirs:
George Gray & Billy Bevan; cam:
Fred Jackman & Perry Evans
Louise Fazenda, Billy Bevan,
Gordon Lewis, Gladys Ballard, Dave Anderson, Kalla Pasha, Billy Armstrong, John
Henry Jr., Fanny Kelly. Ben Turpin cameo as Justice of the Peace
• A Small Town Idol
#75 (2/20/21) Six reels (originally scheduled for release 1/16/21)
Erle C. Kenton; story:
Ray Griffith & John Grey; continuity: Tom Regan
Fred Jackman, Perry Evans, & Ernie Crockett; editor:
Allen McNeil; costumes:
Violet Schofield
Ben Turpin, Phyllis Haver,
Marie Prevost, Charlie Murray, James Finlayson, Dot Farley, Bert Roach, Billy
Bevan, George O’Hara, Lige Conley, Kalla Pasha, Eddie Gribbon, Charles “Heine”
Conklin, Al Cooke, Fanny Kelly, Pat Kelly, Bud Ross, Andy Clyde, Gordon Lewis,
John Rand, Gary Odell, Harriet Hammond, Mildred June, Marvin Lobach, Kewpie
Morgan, Ramon Novarro, Derelys Perdue, Gladys Whitfield. Re-released in 1930
and again by Vitaphone in 1939 in two reels
(Two reels each
unless noted)
• She Sighed by the
MS69 (5/22/21)
Films, France) Director:
Erle C. Kenton; cam:
Fred Jackman, C.G. Crane & Victor Scheurich
Ben Turpin (A Saver of
Lifes), Marie Prevost, James Finlayson,
Heinie Conklin, Bert Roach, Charlotte Mineau, Tiny Ward, Lige Conley, Jack
Ackroyd, Al Cooke, Jane Allen, Thelma Bates, Elva Diltz, Virginia Fox, Isabelle
Keep, Kathryn McGuire, Gladys Whitfield, Irene Tiver
Home Talent with James Finlayson, Eddie Gribbon, Ben, and Kalla Pasha |
• Home Talent
(6/19/21) Five reels Director:
Mack Sennett; cam: Fred
Jackman and Perry Evans Roman
Sequences cam: James Abbe
Ben Turpin (A Stranded
Actor), Phyllis Haver, Charles Murray,
James Finlayson, Dot Farley, Eddie Gribbon, Kalla Pasha, Kathryn McGuire,
Harriet Hammond, Billy Bevan, Joseph Belmont, Jane Allen, Virginia Fox, Mildred
June, Pat Kelly, Irene Tiver. Some footage extant. (wt: Furnished Rooms)
• Love’s Outcast
#88 (7/3/21) Director:
Raymond Griffith; cam:
Fred Jackman and Perry Evans
Turpin, Dot Farley, Kathryn McGuire, James Finlayson, Billy Bevan, Mildred
June, Kalla Pasha, Al Cooke, Bud Ross, Jack Richardson. Some footage extant.
- - - - - -
Behind the Scenes at the Mack Sennett
Studios (re cSept 1921)
“Interesting and informal
glimpses of the Sennett Company, Bathing Girls, Teddy, Pepper, and Ben Turpin,”
Marie Prevost, Phyllis Haver, Mildred June. A special publicity film shown during Ben Turpin's personal appearance tour at this time.
- - - - - -
Ben and Phyllis Haver, Love and Doughnuts | |
• Love and
#95 (9/15/21) Director:
Roy Del Ruth
Turpin, Phyllis Haver, Billy Bevan, Mildred June, Kewpie Morgan, Franklyn Bond,
Al Cooke, Billy Armstrong. Some footage extant.
• Molly O’
(12/1/21) #81 Six reels Dir: F. Richard Jones Mabel Normand, George
Nichols, Anna Hernandez, Albert Hackett, Jack Mulhall, Jacqueline Logan, Ben
Deeley, (Turpin not in extant footage, small supposed appearance unverified)
• Bright Eyes
#92 (12/24/21) Dirs: Mal St. Clair & Roy
Del Ruth; cam: Fred Jackman &
George Jackman
Ben Turpin (A Rural Romeo), Phyllis Haver, Billy Bevan, Harriet Hammond, Dot
Farley, Bud Ross, George O’Hara, Gordon Lewis, Kalla Pasha, Jack Richardson,
Louise Fazenda (wt: Tripped at the Altar)
Border Line
#97 (1922 never produced)
Ben Turpin, Phyllis Haver,
Billy Bevan,Kewpie Morgan, Al Cooke, Franklyn Bond
Jack Richardson shouldn’t flirt with Ben’s girl, Phyllis Haver, in Step Forward |
• Step Forward
#100 (4/13/22) Director:
Gus Meins; cam: Perry
Evans & Ernie Crockett
Ben Turpin (A Motorman), Phyllis Haver, Heinie Conklin, Kewpie Morgan, George
Nichols, Jack Richardson, Dorothy Vernon, Andy Clyde, Kalla Pasha, Fanny Kelly,
Andy Clyde, Pat Kelly, Gordon Lewis, Joe Bordeaux (wt:The Robin’s Nest).
Home Made Movies
#102 (7/15/22) Directors:
Ray Grey & Gus Meins; cam: Homer Scott & Bob Walters; editor: Allen McNeil
Ben Turpin, Phyllis Haver,
Dot Farley, James Finlayson, George Cooper, Al Cooke, Andy Clyde, Cecile Evans,
Joe Bordeaux. Some footage extant. (wt: The Frozen Trail)
Kathryn McGuire with The Shriek of Araby |
• The Shriek of
#108 (4/24/23)
Five reels Director:
F. Richard Jones; camera:
Homer Scott & Bob Walters
Allen McNeil; story: John
Ben Turpin (The Shriek), Kathryn McGuire, Ray Grey, George Cooper, Louis
Fronde, Charles Stevenson, Dick Sutherland, Walter Perry, Kewpie Morgan, Marion
Nixon (wt: The Shriek)
MACK SENNETT for PATHE (Two Reels each)
Where’s My Wandering Boy This Evening? with Madeline Hurlock, Ben, Jimmy Finlayson, and Billy Armstrong |
Where’s My Wandering Boy This Evening?
#113 (7/8/23) Director:
J.A. Waldron; cam: Blake
Wagner & Ernie Crockett; ed: Ray Enright
Ben Turpin, Pricilla Bonner,
Dot Farley, James Finlayson, Madeline Hurlock, Billy Armstrong, Wheeler Dryden,
Fanny Kelly, Pat Kelly, Teddy, Billy Gilbert, Jack Duffy, Gordon
Lewis (wt: Deserted at the
Ben, Mack Swain, Madeline Hurlock in Pitfalls of a Big City |
• Pitfalls of a Big
#114 (9/2/23) Director:
John A. Waldron; cam:
Blake Wagner & Ernie Crockett; Supv:
F. Richard Jones
Ben Turpin, Pricilla Bonner,
Dot Farley, Madeline Hurlock, Jimmy Finlayson, Mack Swain, Bud Ross, Billy
Bevan, Billy Armstrong, Andy Clyde, Kewpie Morgan. Short clip extant. Herman
Raymaker was supposed to direct
Asleep at the Switch with (seated) Bud Ross, Madeline Hurlock,
Ben and, in back, Billy Armstrong with Horace 'Kewpie' Morgan |
• Asleep at the
#116 (10/14/23) Director:
Roy Del Ruth; cam:
Ernie Crockett & Bob Walters; ed: Ray Enright; Supv:
F. Richard Jones
Ben Turpin, Kewpie Morgan,
Madeline Hurlock, Bud Ross, Billy Armstrong, Fanny Kelly, Cameo (the dog), Cecile Evans, Margaret Cloud, Andy Clyde, Gordon
Lewis. Clip used in Robert Youngson’s Days of Thrills and Laughter.
• The Dare-Devil
#118 (11/25/23) Director:
Del Lord; cam: Blake
Wagner; story: Al Martin; Supv:
F. Richard Jones
Turpin (Joe
Magee), Irene Lentz, Harry Gribbon,
Kewpie Morgan, Jack Richardson, Madeline Hurlock, Arthur Rowlands, Gordon
Lewis, Bob Wagner. (wt: The
Stunt Man)
Menaced by Fred Spencer in Ten Dollars or Ten Days |
• Ten Dollars or
Ten Days
#120 (1/6/24) Director: Del Lord; cam: Blake Wagner; spec cam: Ernie Crockett;
titles: J.A. Waldron; Supv: F. Richard Jones
Ben Turpin (A Soda Jerk), Irene Lentz, Harry Gribbon, Bud Ross, Louise Carver,
Silas Wilcox, Ernie Adams, Billy Gilbert, Fred Spencer. Filmed in August 1923. Clip used
in Robert Youngson’s The
Golden Age of Comedy. (wt: Sidetracked)
• The Hollywood Kid
#117 and/or #133 (3/30/24) Director:
Roy Del Ruth; cam: Bob
Ladd & E.B. DuPar; spec cam: Ernie Crockett
Wm. Hornbeck; titles: J.A. Waldron; Supv: F. Richard Jones
Jackie Lucas, Charlie Murray,
Louise Carver, Vernon Dent, Andy Clyde, Jack Cooper, Madeline Hurlock, Bud
Ross, Ray Grey, Alice Belcher, Cameo (the dog), Billy Bevan, Elsie Tarron, Sunshine Hart, Cecile Evans, Thelma Hill,
Marvin Lobach, Margaret Cloud, Evelyn Francisco, Gladys Tennyson, Dorothy Dore,
Billy (the
chimp), Ben Turpin cameo
• Yukon Jake
#128 (6/6/24) Director:
Del Lord; cam: Ernie
Crockett & George Spear; ed:
Wm Hornbeck
titles: J.A.
Waldron; Supv: F. Richard
Ben Turpin (Sheriff Cyclone
Bill), Natalie Kingston, Kalla Pasha,
Jack Richardson, Leo Sulky, Bud Ross, Eli Stanton, Thelma Hill, Lois Boyd, Tiny
Ward, Gladys Tennyson, Fanny Kelly, Elsie Tarron, Joe Young, Hazel Williams.
Clip used in Robert Youngson’s When Comedy Was King. (wt: North
of ‘57)
• Romeo and Juliet
#140 (8/3/24) (EYE) Directors:
Harry Sweet & Reggie Morris; cam: George Crocker & George Unholz
cam: Ernie Crockett; ed: Wm
Hornbeck; titles:
J.A. Waldron; Supv: F.
Richard Jones
Ben Turpin, Alice Day,
Natalie Kingston, Vernon Dent, Jack Curtis, Billy Bevan, Fanny Kelly, Sunshine
Hart, Andy Clyde, Dot Farley, Leo Sulky, Louise Carver, Marvin Lobach

• Three Foolish
#144 (9/14/24) Directors:
Reggie Morris & Ed Kennedy; cam: Billy Williams & Leland Davis
cam: Ernie Crockett; ed: Wm
Hornbeck; Supv: F. Richard
Ben Turpin, Madeline Hurlock,
Christian J. Frank, Judy King, William Lowery, Billy Bevan, Tiny Ward, Jack
Duffy, Fanny Kelly, Eli Stanton. (wt: Three and a Half Weeks)
• The Reel
#148 (10/26/24) Directors:
Reggie Morris & Ed Kennedy; cam: George Crocker & Bob Ladd
cam: Ernie Crockett; ed: Wm Hornbeck; titles: J.A. Waldron; Supv: F. Richard Jones
Ben Turpin (Sheriff Rodney
St. Clair), Alice Day, Christian J.
Frank, Sam Allen, Fred KoVert, Alice Belcher, Coy Watson
(wt: A West Virginian)
• The Wild Goose
#166 (1/18/25) Director:
Lloyd Bacon; cam:
George Crocker & Sam Moran story:
Frank Capra;titles:
Felix Adler & A.H. Giebler; spec
cam: Ernie Crockett; ed: Wm Hornbeck; Supervised by: J.A. Waldron
Ben Turpin (Rodney St.
Clair), Trilby Clark, Jack Cooper,
Eugenia Gilbert, Leo Sulky, Blanche Payson, Evelyn Francisco, Barney Hellum,
Louise Carver, Thelma Hill (wt: Hello
• A Raspberry
#161 (3/1/25)
(EYE) Director:
Lloyd Bacon; cam:
George Crocker & Sam Moran; story:
Jefferson Moffitt & Hal Yates
titles: Felix Adler & A.H. Giebler; spec
cam: Ernie Crockett; ed: Wm
Hornbeck; Supv: J.A. Waldron
Ben Turpin (Rodney St.
Clair), Blanche Payson, Jack Cooper,
Madeline Hurlock, Thelma Parr, Leo Sulky, Barney Hellum, William McCall, Silas
Wilcox, Alice Belcher, Irving Bacon, Evelyn Francisco, Thelma Hill, Eli
Stanton, Evelyn Sherman
• The Marriage
#155 (4/12/25)
(MOMA) Directors:
Reggie Morris & Ed Kennedy; cam: George Spear & Leland Davis
Vernon Smith & Frank Capra; titles: Felix Adler & A.H. Giebler
cam: Ernie Crockett; ed: Wm Hornbeck; Supv: J.A. Waldron
Ben Turpin, Madeline Hurlock,
Louise Carver, Christian J. Frank, Sunshine Hart, Ford West, Bud Ross, Pat
Kelly, Andre Bailey, Claire Cushman, Thelma Hill, Evelyn Sherman, Heinie
Conklin (wt: Monsieur
Don’t Care)
The Squawk Man
#173? (1925
never produced) story:
Al Martin. A parody of The Covered Wagon intended for production after completion of The Wild Goose
Chaser but never realized due to Turpin’s
sudden retirement
Blanche Payson and some lovely ladies in When A Man’s A Prince |
• When a Man’s a
#220 (8/15/26) Director:
Eddie Cline; camera:
Vernon Walker
Vernon Smith, Clarence Hennecke, Harry McCoy, Jefferson Moffit, George Green
camera: Ernie Crockett; editor: Wm Hornbeck; titles:
A.H. Giebler & Reed Heustis; Supv: J.A. Waldron
Turpin’s return to Sennett
starring Madeline Hurlock, Blanche Payson, Danny O’Shea, Dave Morris, George
Gray, Bud Ross, Sunshine Hart, Leo Sulky, James Donnelly, Arthur Rowlands
• A Prodigal
#236 (9/26/26) Director:
Lloyd Bacon; cam: Earl
Stafford; spec cam: K.G.
Jefferson Moffitt, Clarence Hennecke, Harry McCoy; ed:
Wm Hornbeck; Supv: J.A.
Ben Turpin (Rodney St.
Clair), Thelma Hill, Madeline Hurlock,
Andy Clyde, William McCall, Irving Bacon, Louise Carver, Marvin Lobach, Dave
Morris, Vernon Dent, Patsy O’Byrne, Barney Hellum, Joe Young. Clip used in
Robert Youngson’s The
Golden Age of Comedy.
A Harem Knight
#243 (11/7/26) Dir:
Gil Pratt; camera: Harry
Fowler & Wallace Fish; spec cam: K.G. MacLean;
Wm Hornbeck; Supv: J.A.
Ben Turpin (Rodney St.
Clair), Madeline Hurlock, Danny O’Shea,
Andy Clyde, Marvin Loback, Dave Morris, Arthur Rowlands, Louise Carver, Joe
Young, George Gray, Billy Gilbert, Irving Bacon, Barney Hellum. Clip used in
Youngson’s The
Golden Age of Comedy.
A Blonde’s Revenge with Billy Gilbert, Vernon Dent, and Barbara Tennant |
• A Blonde’s
#256 (12/19/26) Dir:
Del Lord(?); story: P.
Whitman, H. McCoy, J. Moffitt; Supv: J.A. Waldron Ben Turpin (Gerald Montague,
a Live Politician), Ruth Taylor, Vernon
Dent, Johnny Burke, Alice Belcher, Barbara Tennant, Barney Hellum, Irving
Bacon, Mary Ann Jackson, Thelma Parr, Dave Morris, William McCall, Alma
Bennett, Mary Mabery, Johnny Burke, Arthur Rowlands
• A Hollywood Hero
#264 (12/30/26) (Eastman House) Director:
Harry Edwards; cam: Billy
Williams; ed: Wm Hornbeck; Supv: J.A. Waldron;
Carl Harbaugh, Phil Whitman, Harry Edwards & George Jeske; titles:
A.H. Giebler & Jimmy Starr;
Ben Turpin, Alma Bennett, Bud
Jamison, Irving Bacon, Marvin Lobach, William McCall, Bobby Dunn, Eleanor
Hibbard (wt: Montague the
• Broke in China
#241 (4/24/27) Dir:
Eddie Cline; asst dir: Glen DeVol; cam:
Harry Fowler; spec cam: Earl
Stafford; ed: Wm Hornbeck
Vernon Smith, Harry McCoy, Jefferson Moffitt, and George Jeske
A.H. Giebler & David Weissman; Supervisor: J.A. Waldron
Ben Turpin (An American
Sailor), Louise Carver, Alice Belcher,
Donald Maines, Ruth Taylor, William McCall, Dave Morris, Andy Clyde, Joe Young,
Tiny Ward, Bud Ross, Marvin Lobach

• The Pride of
#251 (6/5/27) Director: Alf Goulding; assistant directors: Glen DeVol &
Ray McCarey
camera: St. Elmo Boyce; special camera: K.G. MacLean; editor: Wm Hornbeck; Supervisor: J.A. Waldron
story: Earle Rodney,
Jefferson Moffitt, Clarence Hennecke, Phil Whitman, Harry McCoy, Grover Jones,
Randall Faye and Lex Neal; titles: A.H. Giebler
Ben Turpin (Baron Bonamo), Thelma Hill, Andy Clyde, William McCall, Stanley
Blystone, Barney Hellum, Vernon Dent
• The Jolly Jilter
#261 (3/13/27) Director:
Eddie Cline(?); editor: Wm
Hornbeck; Supervisor: J.A.
Arthur Ripley, Clarence Hennecke, Grover Jones, Harry McCoy & Phil Whitman
Ben Turpin (Virgil Vancourt), Madeline Hurlock, Sunshine Hart, Alma Bennett, Billy
Gilbert. Clip used in Youngson’s The Golden Age of Comedy.
Love’s Languid Lure
#268 (8/28/27); Director:
Lige Conley; camera:
Vernon Walker; editor: Wm
Phil Whitman, Harry McCoy, Harry Edwards, Vernon Smith and Ralph Cedar
A.H. Giebler & Jimmy Starr; Supervisor: J.A. Waldron
Turpin, Peggy Montgomery, Jack Cooper, Irving Bacon, Sunshine Hart
• Daddyboy
#276 (10/23/27); Director: Harry Edwards; camera: Lee Davis & Lewis
story: Phil Whitman &
Jefferson Moffitt; titles: A.H.Giebler &
Jimmy Starr
editor: Wm
Hornbeck; Supervisor: J.A. Waldron
Ben Turpin, Alma Bennett,
Johnny Burke, Bill Searby, Alice Ward, Monty O'Grady, Arthur Rowlands, Andy Clyde, (William McCall?). Ben’s last starring
Sennett two-reeler.
After ten years with Mack Sennett, Ben Turpin embarks on a career of freelancing.